We Can Help to Support Your Pharmacy Production Facility

As the pharmaceutical market moves gradually in the direction of pharmacy production centres producing drugs for community pharmacies, we are here to supply skilled Candidates for these very specific work environments.

We don’t just supply staff for community pharmacy jobs! At all levels of pharmacy employment, from managerial positions down to pharmacy assistant roles, we have experienced, educated pharmacy candidates that are eager to work for our Clients. We can place staff for locum jobs, as well as part-time and full-time positions.

Our Candidates’ Excellent Reputation

After placing all pharmacists, RPhTs, and pharmacy assistants through a thorough review process, we’re not surprised that our reputation is so strong. Time and time again, our Clients come back to us to express their satisfaction and gratitude for top-of-the-line pharmacy personnel that we provide. No matter what type of operations take place at your production facility, we’ve got the right kind of pharmacy professionals you’re looking for.

The review process ensures that all applicants to the job/s you are opening through us have sufficient knowledge and hard skills to complete the job. If your facility uses PACMED or SynMed blister pack machinery, then we will make sure that the pharmacy candidate knows how to use that machinery. Even if your needs are less specific, we will still endeavour to place a candidate with the highest skill level possible for the price we agree upon.

Our Pharmacy Candidates Will Meet Your Production Targets

We understand that pharmacy production facilities have very time-sensitive production targets that need to be met on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis. Not only is it necessary to meet these targets to stay in business, but the health of countless patients is dependent on the efficient production of drugs. Therefore, we conduct reference checks and monitor Candidates’ work performance once they start working through our pharmacy recruiting agency. This way, we can pinpoint pharmacy personnel whose work ethic will fit perfectly with the demands of a pharmacy production facility. If a candidate has been noted as a slow worker, we know to not place them in a fast-paced environment—for your sake as well as theirs.

We take our Clients operations very seriously. When we say that we’re here to help you find personnel for your production facility, we say it with the utmost seriousness.

If your pharmacy production facility needs personnel at any time, be sure to reach out to us in the method of contact most convenient to you.

Our phone number is 416-850-9809

Our toll-free number is 1-866-505-3383

Our email address is info@rpigroup.ca

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