Please Ensure That You Send Us Receipts For Any Agreed-Upon Expenses During Locum Assignments

As a pharmacy/healthcare recruiting agency, we need to keep good track of all outgoing costs.

Communicating With Us is Essential

RPI Consulting Group Inc. is unique as a recruitment agency in that we offer candidates travel assignment jobs. Whenever there is a travel assignment, there are certain accommodation and travel arrangements that need to be paid for. One of the most important things to keep in mind is that all future expenses should be discussed with your Account Manager before the assignment. The most common travel expenses include:

  • Hotels
  • Motels
  • Airbnb accommodation
  • Airfare
  • Travel time/mileage
  • Gas
  • Ferry tickets
  • Highway tolls
  • Food
  • Phone bills

Some expenses are fully taken care of by RPI Consulting Group Inc. Other costs might be reimbursed to you at a later date. No matter what, these expenses must be pre-approved by RPI Consulting Group. After the discussion you have with your Account Manager on what can or cannot be charged as an expense, a contract will be sent to you. All of the necessary information about these expenses will be included in the contract.

Sending Us Your Invoice

When you invoice us for the shifts that you have covered, please make sure that you list all reimbursable expenses in the “adjustments” section. You will need to accurately itemize and give supporting evidence of your expenses whenever possible, including scanned copies of all your receipts. RPI Consulting Group Inc. needs these details for our own accounting and tax filing purposes. No matter what, please make sure that you save your receipts and any other necessary records to substantiate your expenses. Keeping accurate records and receipts will speed up the process of calculating the pay you receive for locum work that you have done.

As a Pharmacy Professional working with RPI Consulting Group, you can work in a different province, exploring some of the most captivating towns and cities in Canada, while saving money on travel expenses that you would otherwise have to cover yourself. We are always looking for dependable Pharmacy Professionals to take up these interesting relief assignments.

Contact me below and I can tell you about the latest, most rewarding pharmacy and healthcare jobs that we have on offer.

416-850-9809 (ext. 231)

1-866-505-3383 (ext. 231)

Written by Aquib Ansari ( )
RPI Consulting Group Inc.
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