Our healthcare recruiting agency hosts more jobs in every province than any other agency, including for locum, part-time, and full-time jobs.
- Edmonton: large clinic with physician team; GPs and specialists; locum or FT physician positions; avg. 30 patients/day; flexible hours
- Calgary: radiologist in FFS clinic; 12-month contract; up to $300k more than ONT Filled.
- West Alberta, near Edson: FFS; Flexible P/T (negotiable hours). ALMOST GONE.
- East Edmonton: family practice; almost 2000 patients (young families); avg. 25-30 patients/day; competitive, negotiable split
- Surrey: High traffic clinic (avg. 45 patients/day); competitive split (negotiable); taking over for a physician with reduced hours; tight knit and friendly community. ALMOST GONE.
- Downtown Vancouver: addiction medicine clinic; holistic focus; 250k salary; 4 exam rooms. ALMOST GONE.
- Vancouver: Part-Time GP needed; FFS/Hourly possible; preventative medicine clinic; affluent working age patients Filled.
- Southern Manitoba, near Neepawa: beautiful rural location, 80/20 split, patient roster spanning across the surrounding area; emphasis on geriatric medicine. ALMOST GONE.
- Downtown Winnipeg: dermatology clinic; F/T flexible hours; office assistant on premises; parking available
- Telemedicine opportunity: 35 patient consultations per day on average; competitive salary
- Northeast Ontario: Community Health Centre; Locum Physician needed ($1000 per day)
- Specialized treatment facility; earn $660 per day; in-depth treatment with 3-5 patients/week; affluent patient base; perfect for physicians who want income while growing another practice.
- FFS clinic in the upper east corner of the GTA, 40 patients/day, Mandarin speaking, within a large Asian community. Filled.
- Regina: locum cardiologist (2 weeks); competitive daily pay rate; accessible by transit
- North Saskatchewan (near Pr. Albert): P/T; clinic expenses covered. ALMOST GONE.