Let’s face it – the Labour Day long weekend is always a bit of a mixed bag. Sure, everyone in Canada loves to have an extra day off to spend time up at the cottage with family and friends, but it also marks the beginning of the end of summer. Before long, we’ll start to experience the cooler temperatures of autumn, and after that….well, we already know that the white stuff is inevitable!
To that end, we want to wish each and every one of our clients and candidates a very safe, happy, and enjoyable Labour Day long weekend! We also want to share an important message about paycheques for our candiates – read on to learn more.
Regarding pay
Since Labour Day is a bank holiday, you should expect your pay to be delayed if you’ve recently submitted an invoice. This is unfortunately beyond our control, but rest assured that we will do our best to get you your pay in a timely and efficient manner once we are back in the office after the long weekend. Please note that your Account Manager does not have the ability to make your pay arrive any faster – please only contact them this weekend with any non-paycheque related inquiries.
Have a safe and happy holiday!
Again, from all of us here at RPI, have a great Labour Day – be safe and enjoy your time with your loved ones! We look forward to speaking to you when we’re back on our normal office hours on Tuesday, September 5.