As a Pharmacy Assistant, It’s Important to Be Honest and Truthful On Your Resume

Honesty will always serve you well in your path to pharmacy career success



As the saying goes “honesty is the best policy,” but when it comes to something as big as a person’s career, it can be tempting to stretch the truth in the name of snagging your dream job. Of course you want to paint yourself in the best light possible, but an honest assessment of your strengths as a candidate is the best route to go.

That extra padding hurts more than helps. Here’s why you shouldn’t lie on your resume as a Pharmacy Assistant!

  • Employers perform background checks, and to their research with previous employers


  • If it’s not apparent in the interview, it will eventually appear on the job – which is worst!


  • You won’t be giving yourself the best chance of success, as you might through away your reputation among companies and professionals in the industry.


  • When you are untruthful in writing your resume, you will undoubtedly miss your chance to become a success by preventing you from obtaining the correct tools and training for success


Emphasize Your Most Applicable Abilities

Instead, what you should do is to highlight any skills and strengths you have, and that you have a willingness to learn new things if when you don’t know crucial tasks. We understand that many job hunters feel they don’t have all the skills and attributes that employers are looking for. As a result, when it comes to writing their resume, they are tempted to expand on the truth to make them appear much better qualified than they already are.

Being Dishonest Will Always Turn Out Badly

Unfortunately, this is one way that will backfire on any person who does decide to deviate from the truth on their resume. Being open and honest is the best way, and you never know, you might still be the best person for the position without having the need to bump up your resume with misleading information.

In fact, this is what makes good employees in their eyes; they want to hire reliable and honest people. Deviate away from this, and they won’t give you the chance to proceed much further.

Now you have a selection of tips on how to write a great resume without needing to fill in some blanks with filler content!

Contact me at or call 416-850-9809 (ext 223) if you want to know a few more tips on how to write a great resume, or for available jobs you can apply for.

You also might consider calling our Toll-free number at 1-866-505-3383 (ext 223).


Written by Danilo Chaves (

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