In recent weeks, RPI has received a number of requests from businesses who are looking to hire COVID-19/Coronavirus screeners for their inevitable reopening once the pandemic has run its course. We wanted to put together this quick blog to take a closer look at the role of a COVID-19 screener, and why it isn’t a job to be taken lightly.
Never leaving your post
The average shift for a COVID-19 screener will last for about 8 hours, and you’ll be expected to stay at your post – whether it’s an entrance to a business, event, etc. – for the whole shift. Of course, you’ll be allowed to take breaks, but aside from that, you’ll be in one spot and expected to remain there. Chances are you’ll be standing for long periods of time, and potentially standing outdoors in inclement weather, so be prepared and know what you’re getting into.
A thick skin is required
There’s no sugarcoating it – not every customer or person is going to want to be screened for COVID-19, and it’s very likely that screeners will need to interact with unruly or angry people on a regular basis. For this reason, it’s important that a screener knows what they’re getting into, and will be able to handle taking any flack that they might receive if they need to reject someone from entering a business, or if someone outright does not want to be screened. You need to be able to keep your cool, be firm but fair, and work to defuse the situation effectively.
Efficiency is the name of the game
COVID-19 screeners will be expected to screen dozens – even hundreds – of people over the course of a shift, and for this reason, it’s important to be as fast and efficient as possible. Realistically, it shouldn’t take any more than a minute to take a person’s temperature and ask them a brief series of questions, provided that everything goes smoothly. Screeners will be expected to do everything they can to ensure that the process moves quickly and effectively. Additionally, it’s quite possible that screeners will interact with people who don’t speak great English, so while they’ll need to be efficient, they’ll also need to be patient and understanding.
PPE is the ‘new normal’
ALL COVID-19 screeners will be required to wear personal protective equipment (PPE), including gloves, a mask and/or face shield, and full body coverings. Screeners must be cognizant of this PPE and ensure that they’re changing it when required (while also rationing), not touching their faces with gloved hands, etc. The PPE is as important for screeners as it is for customers.
In closing
The purpose of this blog is not to scare away potential COVID-19 screeners. The job being performed by screeners is a very significant one, and anyone who is willing to do it should feel proud of themselves. At the same time, it’s not a job that you can just perform halfheartedly, and the tips in this blog should be helpful to anyone who works as a screener at a business, event, or any other public place. If you’re interested in working as a COVID-19 screener, or you’d like to hire one through RPI, contact one of our Account Managers today.
Phone: 416-850-9809; Toll-Free: 1-866-505-3383